The aim of the Foundation is to give vegetable growers all the help they might need to increase production and raise the living standards of the families involved.
At the basis of this project is Indonesia’s largest vegetable seed company PT East West Seed Indonesia. Enza Zaden’s Pier Mazereeuw and Simon Groot of East West Seed, one of Indonesia’s largest vegetable seed companies, are also the founding fathers of the Yayasan Bina Tani Sejahtera Foundation, which they established in 2009. The daily affairs of the Foundation are handled by the team of PT East West Seed Indonesia.
The Foundation helps growers grow their vegetables, especially in the remote parts of the lowlands that have difficult conditions. By sharing expertise and technology, the living standards of many farming families are improved, as their capacity and production will increase. Know-how is constantly made available by the Foundation to millions of vegetable growers in the country and it is clear that the better technology and high-quality resources help farmers increase their income.
Examples of success stories include: digging of wells and installation of pipelines to make more water available for irrigation and consumption; planting trees to make environments greener; printing manuals on vegetable cultivation and making those available to farmers.