SEVIA (Seeds of expertise for the Vegetable Sector in Africa)

Capacity building

Seeing is believing. Demonstrations in farmers’ fields are at the ‘heart’ of this project: SEVIA shows farmers – in different regions of Tanzania – how they can improve the cultivation practice, to increase the yield and quality of their vegetable production.

SEVIA aims to contribute to the development of the vegetable industry in Africa by testing existing genetic resources for Africa and breeding improved African vegetable varieties, and to increasing food security by developing and disseminating adapted technical innovations that enhance productivity and increase farmers’ income. SEVIA is funded by the Dutch Ministry for Foreign Affairs, East-West Seed (specializing in tropical varieties), and Rijk Zwaan (specializing in more temperate varieties). Research is assisted by Wageningen University. 

SEVIA research has, for example, identified tomato varieties that are resistant to bacterial wilt and discovered that plastic mulch increases yields in cooler conditions and decreases yields in hot conditions. 

SEVIA frequently hosts “field days” to which they invite local farmers to discover new technologies such as organic pesticides, hybrid seeds, and potassium fertilizers.

Key facts:

  • Over 4000 farmers reached through Nanenane, Tanzania in 2018
  • At least 50 interns from colleges/universities in Tanzania over the past three years

Research reports: 
Crop and pesticide guides:


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