Our aspiration
The European seed sector is committed to maintaining its world leading role in plant breeding and seed production, by fostering its technological and investment capacities in the latest plant science advances.
Our challenge
Better, high-quality plant varieties created by plant breeders are the starting point of all food production. Across the EU, science and technology is in the top five skill shortage occupations*. To stay competitive, Europe’s plant breeders need to be able to access the latest plant breeding methods, otherwise there will be a drain of competitiveness in the seed sector to other parts of the world where policies and regulations are more enabling.
Our response
Europe’s seed sector supports the growth and competitiveness of a vibrant agriculture and Europe’s rural economies, contributing to the entire agri-food value chain. We believe that European scientists and breeders should be able to use the latest plant breeding methods, to continue to be among the world leaders in seed production and to foster an economy that works for people and delivers stability and growth.
*Source: Cedefop European Centre for the Development of Vocational Training